Political Divisiveness & The Media Sep 12, 2024

As we approach the US Presidential Election, we have choices about what we consume, how we behave and what we allow to float across our mind.  Some people say we are a nation more divided than...

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Back to School & Digital Dilemmas Aug 08, 2024

Back To School is one of the most interesting times of year.  This season is filled with anticipation, relief for busy parents and even a little dread for the student not yet ready.  The...

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Have You Ever Considered a Cell Phone Surrender? Jul 24, 2024

There are strategies that you can implement to reduce your consumption.  One is a Cell Phone Surrender. Tech free social meet ups.  Device Free Friday!  Centralized device locations...

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Cell-Scrolling Wasting Your Time? Jun 07, 2024

Time is the only thing you can never get back.  There are so many words and phrases associated with time - such as - Doing Time, Time Flies, Time in a Bottle etc. - but one thing I know...

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Choosing to Be Present May 17, 2024

There is no greater joy that choosing to be present for yourself and those you love.  Being present requires being intentional.  Initially, it may feel hard to disentangle your mind from...

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Ready to Pull the Plug? Apr 24, 2024

What does it take to get ready to downshift your digital consumption habits?  Do you go cold turkey or gently wean off?  It reminds me a little of dieting.  We need food and we rely...

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Together But Separate Mar 15, 2024

This is the Great Divide of the modern world.  Teens together and yet, heads down all on their cell phones.  Seeking companionship but never speaking directly.  We have a generation...

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Can You Make it a Whole Hour on Sunday? Feb 14, 2024

Sometimes I feel this weird compulsion to reach for my cell phone while in church!  And I am always shocked by it.  I tell myself that unless God is actually calling, I cannot check my...

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Can't Shut it Down for the Night? Jan 21, 2024

Our brains are just wired to want more.  This is natural.  The blue glow activates our brains and keeps up from wanting to sleep even when we know we should.  When...

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Even the Doggie Wants Your Attention Dec 01, 2023

You know you are in deep when the doggies try to push the cell phone out of your hand!  My Great Danes are relentless at keeping me on track and reminding me to put the cell phone down. ...

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What Holds Your Attention Today? Nov 17, 2023

Feeling splintered?  Multitasking?  Distracted?  Does anything really hold your attention for long?  Have you resurfaced from the haze of the blue glow only to find that hours...

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Could You Turn It All Off & Walk Away? Oct 12, 2023

At this point it almost sounds like an impossible fantasy, right!?  Would you want to walk away?  Could you?  What benefits do you receive from the modern world?  What do you...

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Your Digital Obsession Will Never Love You Back Sep 15, 2023

Part of the digital freedom mindset is valuing Real World experience, connection, and love.  You feel unfulfilled in the digital world because you inherently know true connection comes from...

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Flashback to Another Time Aug 10, 2023

Pre-2007 I was a voracious reader.  As soon as the smartphone came along, I stopped reading books.  Do you still read?  Are you part of a book club?  Do you prefer the physical...

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Not Everyone is Addicted to Their Devices Jul 04, 2023

I love having had exposure to the Amish way of life.  Over the years it has taught me so much about hard work, making hay while the sun shines and showing my family that we don't have to be...

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Digital Addiction Starts Early Jun 22, 2023

Are you setting a good example for those you love?  Are you encouraging real world activities and limiting access to young developing minds or using tech as a buffer while you do other...

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There's Plenty to Worry About May 18, 2023

Doom Scrolling all the things?  It's true - there is a lot to worry about.  We can do our thing in our corner of the world, or we can go big and create an impact for change.  The...

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Toxic Relationship? Apr 27, 2023

There is another option.  Digital Peace.  Digital Freedom.  It's not personal for the computer.  Time to get outside, take a walk, embrace the natural world and detach from the...

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