Are You a Pavlovian Puppy to Your Tech?

Jan 17, 2025

Have you noticed how quickly you reach for your phone the moment it buzzes? Our devices have trained us like Pavlov’s puppies to respond immediately to notifications, chimes, alerts, dings and beeps. This Pavlovian conditioning keeps us tethered to our devices and learning how to tell ourselves, "No" is an incredible show of self-discipline.  We can learn to disconnect from the blue glow and reclaim our minds, time, life.  Imagine who you could be, what you might accomplish, the relationships you might build if only you took a moment to look up and set the phone down.  The true possibilities of a life well lived are in the real world. Take a break, get outside. Take the dog for a walk.  I am sure he or she would just love that. Don't hesitate another moment.  Don't over think it.  Just get up and do it now!

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