Ready to Pull the Plug?

Apr 24, 2024
Disconnect - Pull the Digital Plug

What does it take to get ready to downshift your digital consumption habits?  Do you go cold turkey or gently wean off?  It reminds me a little of dieting.  We need food and we rely on our tech for many conveniences, but we shouldn't over consume either.  There are serious health risks related to over consumption.  And so, we come to a place where we are ready for a new life, a new way of being and a sense of being unleashed.  We seek peace and freedom so much we become willing to pull the plug on our devices.  


#beyondtheblueglow #cellphoneaddiction #smartphone #makegoodchoices #digitalboundaries #tellyourselfno #digitalfear #takebackyourlife #doomscrolling #digitalethics #digitaloverlords #commonsense #fear #manageyourmind #digitalpause #airplanemode #newsmedia #mediabias #brainhacks #digitalfootprint #socialmediaaddiction #focusfulfillmentfreedom #digitalfocus #pavlov #pavlovianpuppy #manageyourmind #digitalcoaching #bepresent #timewasters #cellphonesurrender #pulltheplug #shutitdown #digitalobsession #cellphone #laptop #digitaldevices #barringsomethingcrazy #thejanefactory #digitalcannibalism #digitaloverwhelm #digitallonging #dopaminehit #setboundaries #getoutside #mentalwellbeing #tetheredtotech #meaningfulconnection #irl #suckedin #losttime 

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