There's Plenty to Worry About

May 18, 2023
Digital Worry and Fear

Doom Scrolling all the things?  It's true - there is a lot to worry about.  We can do our thing in our corner of the world, or we can go big and create an impact for change.  The choice is yours.  Just notice when you feel sucked in.  How does that impact YOUR world? 


#beyondtheblueglow #cellphoneaddiction #smartphone #makegoodchoices #digitalboundaries #tellyourselfno #digitalfear #takebackyourlife #doomscrolling #digitalethics #digitaloverlords #commonsense #fear #manageyourmind #digitalpause #airplanemode #newsmedia #mediabias #brainhacks #digitalfootprint #socialmediaaddiction #focusfulfillmentfreedom #digitalfocus #pavlov #pavlovianpuppy #manageyourmind #digitalcoaching #bepresent #timewasters #cellphonesurrender #pulltheplug #shutitdown #digitalobsession #cellphone #laptop #digitaldevices #barringsomethingcrazy #thejanefactory #digitalcannibalism #digitaloverwhelm #digitallonging #dopaminehit #setboundaries #getoutside #mentalwellbeing #tetheredtotech #meaningfulconnection #irl #suckedin #losttime #digitalpeace #payattentiontome

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