Life Coaching Through Fear

#fearless #lifecoach #mindset #peace Feb 14, 2023


Through a very dear friend I discovered the world of Life Coaching.  A door opened up in my brain and all the amazingness just spilled out into my world.  As I approached the end of the Life Coach certification process, I saw a lot of fear and uncertainty in the world.  This work has been a game changer for me.  Life coaching has helped me navigate an increasingly complex world.  Maybe you too have you noticed all the mental drama and fear mongering?  How do we manage our minds and create peace?  I wanted to explore the topic of Fear within the context of Life Coaching.   This resonated so deeply with me.  

There’s a lot of work to be done and I hope you will join me.  Let’s walk through our fears, process and release them and together, create the life we so desire despite what may be on the horizon. 

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