Even the Doggie Wants Your Attention

Dec 01, 2023
Doggies Need love Too

You know you are in deep when the doggies try to push the cell phone out of your hand!  My Great Danes are relentless at keeping me on track and reminding me to put the cell phone down.  It's cute and sad all at the same time.  How can you best serve those you love in the real world? 


#beyondtheblueglow #cellphoneaddiction #smartphone #makegoodchoices #digitalboundaries #tellyourselfno #digitalfear #takebackyourlife #doomscrolling #digitalethics #digitaloverlords #commonsense #fear #manageyourmind #digitalpause #airplanemode #newsmedia #mediabias #brainhacks #digitalfootprint #socialmediaaddiction #focusfulfillmentfreedom #digitalfocus #pavlov #pavlovianpuppy #manageyourmind #digitalcoaching #bepresent #timewasters #cellphonesurrender #pulltheplug #shutitdown #digitalobsession #cellphone #laptop #digitaldevices #barringsomethingcrazy #thejanefactory #digitalcannibalism #digitaloverwhelm #digitallonging #dopaminehit #setboundaries #getoutside #mentalwellbeing #tetheredtotech #meaningfulconnection #irl #suckedin #losttime #digitalpeace #payattentiontome

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