My Tech is a tool for my use.  I am not a Pavlovian Puppy at the mercy of the blue glow.


Setting Tech Boundaries is a gift I give myself, my work and those I love.


I am in charge of my habits, behaviors, time and energy and it's okay to tell myself No!



In my work as a long time Relocation Director for one of the top real estate brokerages in the country, I was always on call. I was merciless about answering every email and text on a daily basis.  My motto was, "every lead, every day."  And it was exhausting. I even answered my phone until about an hour before giving birth to my third child when my mom gently said, "enough." 
The idea in digital circles was, and remains to be, that when the customer does not experience an almost instant response, they will move on within a few minutes. Now many responses are automated but that wasn't the case early on.
At one point, I slept with 3 cell phones and paid my young children a quarter for every lead they could help me respond to as quickly as possible. 
Looking back, that seems so crazy to me.  It was before we knew about the harm smart phones could cause on young, developing brains. 
I responded like a Pavlovian puppy waiting for a food bowl and I am grateful my children grew up knowing how to set digital boundaries for themselves. 
In our time together you will learn how life coaching can help you shift your belief that you need to be tethered to your devices and how to create healthy boundaries.  We look at all your details and question everything.  We start with your daily consumption inventory and go deep. 
How tethered are you? 
How tethered do you want to be? 
What are you missing out on by not being fully present? 
Are you texting and driving; baby in the bath while you scroll? 
So many really important things to consider.
The years go fast!  Let's figure it out together and create a fulfilling life Beyond the Blue Glow. 
Book Your Call


During the pandemic of 2020 we took our kids to a remote Amish village in NW Montana and experienced a beautiful 1900's time warp that created space for us. 

As news of the pandemic, daily death counts, shortages and market crashes bombarded our every moment, I noticed my Amish neighbors were mostly unphased by the ripple effect of the global pandemic.

The cows still got milked, the logs scraped, the laundry hung, and the eggs collected.  Their lives didn't appear as impacted as the "English".  They weren't glued to the TVs, Zoom School or non-stop, obsessive smartphone scrolling. 

It was an amazing experience for my family and showed us that other ways of living and moving through the world were still possible.  We could actually be happy with fewer digital inputs - way fewer. 

I can teach you how to duplicate this life-changing experience and find relief from the daily dose of impending doom and digital and social media addiction. 

Life Beyond the Blue Glow is freedom and there is a whole big world that awaits!

Let's connect!

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Some Amazing Gifts from the Digital World


It's not all bad!

  • Access to the Most Brilliant Minds

  • Medical Advancement

  • Keeping in Touch

  • Education

  • Community

  • Remote Work

  • Opportunities

  • Convenience

  • Capturing the Moment

  • GPS (my fav!)

Having Trouble Connecting?

With all of our technology we are more isolated than ever before.  Put your cell phone down, look up, explore the natural world.  Find peace from digital and social media with me!

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